Getting Started
Starting is pretty easy. Just navigate the sidebar menu on the left and scroll through the content you are interested in. But let’s see how you can get the most value out of the guides.
Get the Most out of the Content
As you can see on the left, there are multiple topics around macOS. The goal is to add a short overview, a guide to configure the setting or script, as well as delivering insights based on real-world experiences that are not documented anywhere else, e.g., Microsoft Docs.
This list is growing, and we want you to help us improve and add more content. Check out How to Contribute.
Navigating the Site
- Sidebar Menu: Use the sidebar menu on the left to quickly find the topics you are interested in.
- Search Functionality: Use the search bar at the top to find specific guides, tools, or best practices.
Types of Content Available
- Guides: Step-by-step instructions on how to set up and configure various macOS settings and tools.
- Scripts: Ready-to-use scripts to automate common tasks and improve your workflow.
- Best Practices: Recommendations based on industry standards and real-world experiences.
- Insights: Unique insights and tips that you won’t find in official documentation, shared by community members.
Contributing to the Site
We encourage community contributions to keep the content up-to-date and comprehensive. Whether it’s a new guide, a script, or an insight, your contribution is valuable. Visit the How to Contribute page to learn more about the process.
Thank You!
Thank you for being a part of the IntuneMacAdmins community. Together, we can make macOS administration with Microsoft Intune easier and more efficient.